Common Foot Problems You Should Be Aware Of

It is said that walking is a good exercise. To go from one place to another a physically fit man need to walk. But one does not like to walk if he has certain foot problems as it hurt him while walking. For ladies, most of the foot problems occur for wearing heels. Interestingly, many persons have same foot problems out of several different reasons. And you should not ignore any problems related to your foot for long. Find the right foot clinic and visit it timely.

Here we are going to discuss about common foot problems you should be aware of.

Heel pain- heel pain is one of the most common problems for a woman. When you are feeling pain in your heel, then surely it is plantar fasciitis. You may have the complication of pain in tough tissues of the entire hill area. You may feel acute pain after waking up in morning.

Foot Pain- in most of the cases foot pain causes out of metatarsalgia. A victim of foot pain always feels an acute pain and irritation at the bottom of her foot. Sometimes acute pain may cause numbness in your foot. Visiting the right podiatrist will help you a lot in getting relief from foot pain at the earliest.

Toe pain- generally gout takes the form of foot pain. If you are feeling this type of foot pain, then there is 99% chance of arthritis. It happens when crystal level raise in toe joints than its natural proportion. Persons who have comparatively long toes mostly suffer for this disease.

Toe pain may take the form of bunion. In this case the pain occurs at the side of the foot. If the toe joint of the foot is misaligned in anyway, then an acute pain starts. This is a very common problem and anyone can be the victim as it happens because of wearing uncomfortable shoes. But sometimes this type of toe pain starts with old age. Wearing uncomfortable shoe may result in this type of pain, and on the other hand wearing a comfortable one can erase this problem completely. So, if you once faced this pain, then try to change your shoe first. But after changing shoe if you are facing the same problem then you need to consult with your doctor.

Apart from that, persons who are suffering for bunions may sometimes also have hammertoes. Generally this type of problem occurs at the middle part of your foot. The victims of hammertoe sometimes suffer worst for intolerable pain. Doctors said that this problem actually occurred for the misbalance of foot muscle.