How To Relieve Yourself Of Sexual Tension

Being sexually frustrated can be a common phenomenon especially if you are single and haven’t been in contact with a woman or man in quite a long period of time. This can have a negative impact on your body andyour mind so it is important that you relieve yourself of these tensions. Here are a few things that may help you. 


Although this may often be considered a taboo topic, this is probably one of the most effective ways to relieve yourself of not only any sexual arousal, but also can play a part in stress relief. You will of course have to do this in moderation as masturbating too frequently could be a problem in the long run so preferably it is best you keep it to a maximum of once a day. You could also purchase various lotions and magazines that could help you with this. 

Body to body massages

These erotic massages involveboth parties being naked and involves a lot of sexual contact although there is no sexual intercourse involved. These are also referred to as a Nuru massage, which is originated from the Japanese language and is great at relieving yourself of any sexual tension and frustrations. With this method you don’t have to worry about getting any Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) as there is no penetration involved. 


Escort agencies usually offer modelsto provide a social or conversational service. However, some escorts will be willing to go the extra mile by offering sexual services as well, although this may not be publically portrayed. However, compared to getting a sensual massage, there is the risk that you could transfer sexually transmitted diseases if you don’t use adequate protection. Apart from this, this could also be a costlier approach of relieving yourself of sexual frustration as the models usually offer their services at a rather high price. 


Although the methods described above provide effective means of getting rid of any sexual tensions you may have, a longer term approach would be to train your mind to overcome the problem. Meditation can be a great way of achieving this and can make you more calm and relaxed at the same time. You may be able to find various gurus that will offer to help you with this as part of their services, or you could look for videos that can help guide you. 

Although these methods can effectively relieve you of sexual tension, ultimately you will have to make it a point to look for a life partner, which would be the most effective and healthy way of overcoming the problem.